
Customer Meeting – Hills and Magnolia Area

Big Top Rental 321 W. Hatting Street, Luverne, MN, United States

We will be holding a Grain and Agronomy Market Update meeting on Tuesday, August 8, 2023 in Luverne at Big Top Rental. The meeting will start at 10am and will include a presentation by Advance Trading.

Customer Meeting – Windom Area

Windom Community Center 1750 Cottonwood Lake Dr., Windom, MN, United States

We will be holding a Grain Market Update meeting on Wednesday, August 9th, 2023 in Windom at the Windom Community Center. The meeting will start at 10am and will include a presentation by Advance Trading.

Customer Meeting – Marna Area

Average Joes Blue Earth 115 E 6th Street, Blue Earth, MN

Please join us for a Marna Area Customer meeting on Monday, August 21st, 2023 at noon. The meeting will take place at Average Joe's restaurant in Blue Earth with a light lunch available.

Brewster Plot Days

38438 210th Street, Brewster, MN 56119 38438 210th Street, Brewster, MN

Plan to attend the Brewster Plot Days on Thursday, September 7th at 6pm. Have a chance to meet with your Agronomist, Industry Partners, and Dealers and get an update on current topics and products.

All Customer Annual Meeting 2023

Worthington Event Center 1447 Prairie Drive, Worthington, MN, United States

OFFICIAL ANNUAL MEETING NOTICE The annual membership meeting of New Vision Coop will be held at the Worthington Events Center, 1447 Prairie Drive, Worthington Minnesota on Monday, December 11th at 1:30 p.m. ORDER OF BUSINESS Proof of Notice of Meeting Reading of Approval of Minutes Election of Directors Annual Reports of Officers and Committees Other […]

January Market Meeting: Windom

Windom Community Center 1750 Cottonwood Lake Dr., Windom, MN, United States

The team at New Vision Co-op invites you to our January market meetings. These meetings will include updates from our grain and agronomy divisions as well as ask questions. Coffee and cookies will be served.

January Market Meeting: Luverne

Big Top Rental 321 W. Hatting Street, Luverne, MN, United States

The team at New Vision Co-op invites you to our January market meetings. These meetings will include updates from our grain and agronomy divisions as well as ask questions. Coffee and cookies will be served.

January Market Meeting: Worthington (Evening)

Worthington Event Center 1447 Prairie Drive, Worthington, MN, United States

The team at New Vision Co-op invites you to our January market meetings. These meetings will include updates from our grain and agronomy divisions as well as ask questions. Coffee and cookies will be served.