2024 Election Process

2024 New Vision Board of Directors Election Protocol

by Chad Wieneke, New Vision Board Chairman

The New Vision Coop Board of Directors has compiled the following director election information in accordance with New Vision Coop’s Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation. The goal of the following procedures and policies is to provide New Vision members with election information that explains candidate qualifications, and the nomination process and provides insight into serving as a New Vision Coop director.  This information is provided to New Vision members to ensure a transparent election process and provide the greatest opportunity to obtain the best possible director candidates for the ballot.

If you are a New Vision Coop member that meets the director qualifications and is interested in submitting your nomination to be considered as a candidate for election to the board of directors, you are encouraged to read the following information.


District 1:
Mark Overgaard (507) 920-5629 

District 2:
Chad Wieneke, Chairman (507) 360-7126
Rob Newman, Secretary/Treasurer (507) 360-6541

District 3:
Tim Hansberger (507) 360-9089
Kevin Schaefer (507) 360-9724

Matt Gohr, Vice Chairman (507) 822-0531
Kelly Dunkelberger (507) 822-0827

District At–Large:
Brian Penning (507) 370-3942


Expiring at the 2024 Annual Meeting on Monday, December 19, 2024

  • District 1: Mark Overgaard
  • District 2: Chad Wieneke
  • District 3: Kelly Dunkelberger


Chad Wieneke and Kelly Dunkelberger are seeking re-election  for a three-year term beginning December 9, 2024, and ending at the 2027 Annual Meeting. District 1 is open for 2025.

If you reside within one of these districts, are interested in serving on the New Vision Coop Board of Directors, and meet the qualifications, you may submit a completed New Vision Coop Director Nomination Application.

Valid Nomination applications must be completed in their entirety, received within the deadline, and will be confirmed upon receipt.  Incomplete Nomination Applications or applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

Board Election ( )


  1. Must be a New Vision Coop member in good standing.  According to the Articles of Incorporation, Article IV, Section 2a New Vision Coop member qualifications include:
    (i) be a producer of agricultural products,
    (ii) patronize the Cooperative by doing $ 10,000.00 of business during each fiscal year and
    (iii) be approved by the Board of Directors.
  2. Be less than 70 years old on election day (December 9, 2024).
  3. Live in the district they represent, unless a nomination is for an At-Large seat.
  4. Able to attend monthly meetings, special meetings, and director training meetings and represent New Vision Coop at various business functions.
  5. Is not an employee of New Vision Coop.
  6. Sign and comply with agreements required of New Vision Directors (e.g., confidentiality, code of conduct, etc.).


  1. Decision group for policies, business plans, and capital investment. 
  2. Communicate and engage members when their action is required.
  3. Select, direct, advise, and review CEO’s job performance.
  4. Assume responsibility for effective management and use of resources and assets.
  5. Evaluate and review the types of products, services, and technology employed by New Vision Coop to assure long-term sustainability.
  6. Conduct themselves as leaders in the cooperative, community, and vendor relationships.


  1. Comply with applicable laws, New Vision’s Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.  
  2. Loyal to, and acts in good faith of New Vision Coop’s interests.
  3. Represent the entire New Vision Coop membership.
  4. Invest the time necessary to understand and objectively evaluate topics reach decisions or conduct business planning and strategy in a dynamic business environment.
  5. Support the decisions and actions taken by the majority of the Board.
  6. Communicate members’, employees’ and the public attitude towards New Vision’s goals and policies.
  7. Communicate New Vision’s goals, programs, and services to interested persons.
  8. Be prepared for board meetings, participate in open discussion, ask questions, and maintain the confidentiality of Board meetings.


Serving the New Vision Coop membership as a director requires candidates to have the time available to attend meetings and training, interest in learning about New Vision’s business and operations, willingness to share ideas, participate in discussions that will contribute to team success and personal standard of ethics that maintain board room confidentiality and comply with company policies.

New Vision has a tradition of directors that prioritize customer service through business planning and policy development.

  1. The first step for New Vision Coop members that are interested in becoming a New Vision Coop board member is to meet the candidate qualifications in this newsletter.
  2. The second step is to complete and return the Director Nomination Application available in this newsletter. The Director Nomination Application is also available on the New Vision website.  The Director Nomination Application must be received by Friday, September 6, 2024.  Nomination Applications must be completed in their entirety, received within the deadline, and will be confirmed upon receipt.   Incomplete Nomination Applications or Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
  3. After the Director Nomination Application deadline has passed, the election committee will contact nominees to answer their questions and schedule an interview with New Vision Directors.  An election committee member will contact nominees after the interview to discuss the next step.  The New Vision Coop Board of Directors will approve the final ballot by selecting the best two candidates for each open seat.  A ballot will be mailed to members eligible to vote a minimum of 15 days prior to the Annual Meeting.

Due Friday, September 6, 2024

Any New Vision Coop member is eligible to nominate any member, including a self-nomination, to be a candidate for the New Vision Coop Board of Directors. Nominees must complete this Nomination Application and forward it to the address below for consideration by Friday, September 6, 2024. Nomination Applications must be completed in their entirety, received within the deadline, and will be confirmed upon receipt. Incomplete Nomination Applications or Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

The New Vision Coop Board of Directors will review the nomination applications and interview nominees. The New Vision Coop Board of Directors shall select no more than two candidates for each open board seat and approve the final ballot to be submitted to the membership.

The election is conducted by mail-in ballot sent to the membership a minimum of two weeks prior to the annual meeting. Properly executed ballots are counted and results will be reported during the annual meeting on Monday, December 09, 2024.

Step 1 of 2

Your Name: The full name of the Member making this nomination (candidates may self-nominate)(Required)
The Nominee: The full name of the person you want to nominiate to serve as a New Vision Coop Director(Required)
Has the nominee agreed to place his/her name for consideration?(Required)


If you have any questions, you may contact Matt Gohr, Election Committee Chairman, Matt Ashton, CEO or any of our current directors.  

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